Package Price: $3 per Lap

Become a lap sponsor today! This is the most cost-effective and easiest way to become a key supporter of the 500 Mile Race.

As a member of the Lap Sponsorship Program, you will have the opportunity to sponsor lap(s) of the race while being publicized as a supporter of the 500 Mile Race!

Members can put their name, family, company, or whatever group they would like tied to the sponsorship on a lap (or laps) of their choice – selecting from the list of laps still available. Check out the full perk package below:

  • Lap sponsor space in the event’s official program and event’s official yearbook.
  • Lap sponsor space on lap sponsor listing within
  • Mention within lap sponsor press release in November 2019.
  • Can purchase as many laps as possible and pick laps from available inventory at the time of purchase.

Interested in this package? Contact Tanner Watkins at to learn more about this opportunity with the 500 Mile Race.

Here are the laps available for sponsorship currently:

Laps 30 to 32
Laps 34 to 42
Laps 48 and 49
Lap 65
Lap 68
Laps 102 to 110
Laps 112 and 113
Lap 141 to 149
Lap 165

See the current Lap Sponsorship Member index here!


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